No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
Kienböck's Disease OrthoInfo AAOS

Kienböck's Disease OrthoInfo AAOS

Kienböck's disease is a condition that progresses slowly, and many people do not decide to see a doctor until they have lived with symptoms for several months, perhaps longer. During your first appointment, your doctor will discuss your symptoms and medical history, then examine your hand and wrist.

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Symptoms Causes of Celiac Disease | NIDDK

Symptoms Causes of Celiac Disease | NIDDK

People with celiac disease who have no symptoms can still develop complications from the disease over time if they do not get treatment. What causes celiac disease? Research suggests that celiac disease only happens to individuals who have particular genes. These genes are common and are carried by about onethird of the population.

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Cushing syndrome Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic

Cushing syndrome Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic

Oral corticosteroids may be necessary to treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and asthma. It may also be used to prevent your body from rejecting a transplanted organ. Because the doses required to treat these conditions are often higher than the amount of cortisol your body normally needs each day, side effects from excess cortisol can occur.

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Diabetes Crusher Tactic

Diabetes Crusher Tactic

Diabetes Crusher Tactic... Find Out More Now. Diabetes Crusher Tactic. ... And what Roy discovered was that fat deposits around your pancreas are not an effect of the disease as previously though.they are the primary cause of the disease. ... This is the bottom slider area.

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Disease Reporting | Georgia Department of Public Health

Disease Reporting | Georgia Department of Public Health

Disease reporting enables public health followup for patients and helps identify outbreaks. This is particularly important to do in a timely way for any disease or condition that may require immediate public health intervention. Disease reporting also provides a better understanding of disease trends and patterns in Georgia to support program and policy decisionmaking and resource allocation ...

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Pa'nar Syndrome | Memory Alpha | Fandom

Pa'nar Syndrome | Memory Alpha | Fandom

Pa'nar Syndrome was a Vulcan neural disease that resulted in the degradation of the synaptic pathways. It also affected the endocrine and immune systems. It was caused by a disruption of neuroelectric impulses in the midbrain during mind melds performed by a Vulcan who has been improperly trained. It could be cured by a meld performed by an experienced melder.

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Perineal Injury in Males | NIDDK

Perineal Injury in Males | NIDDK

In males, the perineum is the area between the anus and the scrotum, the external pouch of skin that holds the testicles. Injuries to the perineum can happen suddenly, as in an accident, or gradually, as the result of an activity that persistently puts pressure on the perineum.

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